What to do if you are involved in a workplace accident

Routine accidents at work are one of our specialties at Attwood and we handle cases for clients from a variety of industries. Knowing what to do if you have an accident at work is normally the most difficult part, so this guide explores the principle steps to take.

Get medical assistance: If you injure yourself at work the first thing to do is get medical assistance right away. Under health and safety guidelines your employer should train certain employees as first aiders, they can provide you with immediate assistance, assess your injury and call for medical assistance if this is required.

Record incidents: Accidents at work should be recorded in your employer’s accident book, every organisation should keep one as per health and safety regulations. The time, date and details of the accident need to be logged in the book as a permanent reference.

Report the incident: Check to see if your employer has reported the incident to the Health and Safety Executive. Your employer has a duty to report dangerous incidents under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) so make sure they have contacted the health and safety department.

Make inquiries about sick pay: Find out if you are entitled to any extra pay whilst you are on the sick, recuperating from the incident. Sadly you are only entitled to Statutory Sick Pay when you take time off work on the sick but your employer might decide to top this up if the accident was due to their negligence.

Claim compensation: If you feel there’s a case to be answered and you have a right to compensation, get in touch with personal injury solicitors like our team at Attwood. We’d be happy to support any claim you want to make, we’re here for you and ready to take your call!